Epoxy is an easy-to-use, pourable 2 part epoxy system for breathtakingly beautiful, crystal clear protective finishes on bar tops, table tops, countertops, counters, kitchen islands, wood, concrete and other surfaces. Its simple 1 to 1 mix ratio , self leveling nature and room temperature cure make it easy for DIY and professional makers to get excellent, smooth results without cloudiness or bubbles. This ultra clear epoxy resin system cures to a durable finish with exceptional depth, gloss, and glass-like clarity. The 100% waterproof finish has superior scratch, stain, and yellowing resistance. TotalBoat TableTop Epoxy is great for a variety of creative projects, including live-edge tables, woodworking projects, floors, resin art, embedded-object bar & table tops, and crafting. All ingredients in TotalBoat TableTop Epoxy are on the USDA approved list for contact with food, once cured, but TableTop Epoxy is not intended for outdoor applications with prolonged exposure to sunlight. Compa re this kit to Pro marine pro epoxy, MAS Crystal Clear coating for bars and table tops, Envirotex Lite, Parks Super Glaze, System Three Mirror Coat, FX Countercop, Liquid Glass, Art Resin, Apoxy, Ecopoxy and other similar products including casting resins . In extensive testing, its finish clarity met or exceeded all similar products on the market. Mix ratio by volume: 1 part resin to 1 part hardener. Application temperature: 70-80°F. Working time: 20 minutes @ 70°F. Gel time: 30 minutes @ 77°F. Time between coats: 4-8 hours (without needing to sand between coats). Cure time: 16-20 hours @ 70°F. Coverage at 1/8" thick (2-Quart Kit): 6. 4 sq. ft. per half gallon, (Gallon Kit): 12. 8 sq. ft. per gallon. Store at 60-90°F in a dry place. All TotalBoat products are premium quality, a great value, and are 100% made in the USA